April 28, 2022

Need some fast ideas to improve your sales efforts? Scroll through our blog posts for some quick fixes to boost your sales now.
Bring Them Flowers

Bring Them Flowers

There are a few things you need to do and consider when preparing for your first face to face meeting: Make a list of what you want to accomplish during the meeting. Anticipate potential concerns from the client. Check to make sure you are completely prepared. Listen more than you talk. Bring support staff with you. Use and respect the clients’ format. Always follow through. Ask for what you need and seal the deal. Simplify your prospects life. Find ways to boost your credibility. Build and nurture relationships. Learn from “no”. Find out what didn’t work so you know how to change it for the next time.   These are all important things to do before and during your presentation and with utilization will bring confidence. The next step of the process is negotiation. This can seem a little intimidating but with a few tips and tricks can become natural to you. Here are some tips to help you negotiate successfully: Build a pricing strategy and stick with it. Prioritize what you plan to offer. This should include what really matters to you and what you are willing to give up. Don’t give in too quickly. Negotiate with a person, not a “company”. Don’t let their answer be that ”they would like to but can’t make a decision”. Don’t sell yourself short. Mitigate your pricing. If you go to low, you won’t be able to raise it back up and you need to make a profit. Don’t sacrifice quality for

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