Another Secret Revealed
In the last post we talked about the first secret to building a solid customer service plan and how to decide what your vision is. Today we’ll talk about the second secret in taking your satisfied customers to raving fans. You must know what your customers want, who your customers are and how to serve them. Demographics are important here. An upper-class woman in her 30’s is going to have completely different expectations than a working-class man in his 50’s. There are four main areas you need to consider and plan when figuring out what your customers want: Listen to Your Customers Ask Your Customers Sincerely Offer More than Just a Product/Service Know When to Ignore Them These are all important when deciding what your customers want out of their shopping experience. Listen to Your Customers You need to listen to both what they say and what they don’t say. Customers may say they want one thing and really mean something else. For example, if you customers are begging for lower prices, you may find out their real priority is quick delivery. Also, listen to your “silent” customers. These are the customers that don’t bother to complain because the service is so bad, they’ve just given up and don’t feel like their voice matters. They feel unwanted and when a competitor shows up, they’ll be gone. Lastly, you need to listen to customers who only reply with “fine”. These customers are like the “silent” customers in that they are so